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ENGL 110 Composition, Literature, and Critical Thinking

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English Course Placement 

High school transcripts are now being used to help determine proper placement of students into English courses. Students transferring to College of San Mateo with credit in college English can use their transcripts to assist with placement. Students who feel that their high school or college transcripts do not reflect their current abilities should inquire about alternative placement measures. Regardless of placement, students who would prefer to receive extra support in reading and writing skills in their first semester of college composition should enroll in English 105.

The English Program

The English program consists of transfer and non-transfer courses in composition, creative writing, literaturefilm, modern language, and communication. Entering students should enroll first in one of the following courses in composition:

Transfer Courses

English 100 or 105
ESL 400

Non-Transfer Courses

ESL 826, 827 or 828

The English requirement for the A.A./A.S. degree may be completed with additional units chosen from the following:

Transfer Courses

English 110, 165
English 161, 162, 163
Literature 100-level, 200-level, 430
Communication 110, 130, 140, 170, 171
See also: Chinese, Film, and Spanish courses


Note that English 100 or 105 with a grade of C or higher is the prerequisite for English 110, English 165.

English/Literature transfer courses are those numbered below 800; English/Literature Non-Transfer courses are those numbered 800 or above.

The following English course is credit-bearing but not degree-applicable, which means that the units count for the purpose of financial aid but not toward the A.A./A.S. degree: 850.

Minimum Grade for Prerequisites

Unless otherwise indicated, a grade of C or higher is required for all prerequisite courses.

Course Description

This course is designed to promote critical thinking about diverse social, historical, and cultural contexts through inquiry into literature. As part of this inquiry, students will engage with distinctively literary ways of exploring human experience. Writing a minimum of 5000 words of finished prose, students will learn to articulate their own views in a meaningful conversation between themselves and the literature. All course sections, each with its own theme, will explore poetry, drama, and fiction.

Units: 3
Degree Credit
Letter Grade Only
  • Lecture hours/semester: 48-54
  • TBA hours/semester: 16-18
  • Homework hours/semester: 80-90
Prerequisites: ENGL 100 or ENGL 105.
Corequisites: None
AA/AS Degree Requirements: Area E2b, E5c
Transfer Credit: CSU (CSU GE Area A2 or A3 or C2), UC (IGETC Area 1B or 3B).
C-ID: ENGL 120 (ENGL-LIT 100)